Poesie di Marzio Tinti
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Marzio Tinti è nato a Lucca nel 1940. La sua prima mostra personale ha avuto luogo: 1964 alla galleria d'arte la Lonza Trieste; 1965 alla galleria d'arte Sgossen Gamlastan Stoccolma Svezia; 1966 Hotel Dea Viareggio (Lucca); 1967 Circolo della stampa Palermo; 1969 galleria d'arte Il cenacolo Palermo; “1972 galleria d'arte Schettini Milano”; 1973 galleria d'arte Il Salotto Como; “1973 galleria d'arte Schettini editore Napoli!; 1973 Panter club Lucca; 1974 Hotel Touring Milano; 1974 “Galleria d'arte Schettini Milano!; “1976 Galleria d'arte Del Naviglio via Manzoni, 45 Milano di Renato Cardazzo”; “1979 galleria d'arte Del Naviglio di via Manzoni 45 Milano di Renato Cardazzo,; 1984 galleria d'arte Guerrieri Lucca; 1984 galleria d'arte Metastasio Prato; 1997 alla Fortezza di Montalcino patrocinata dal comune di Montalcino (Siena); 1999 galleria d'arte Marchese Prato. 2000 Dicembre, Gennaio 2001 internet e rimarrà in permanenza. *2001 - 2002 – 2010. Dal (1976 -1977 -1978 1979), alla galleria Naviglio Venezia. Fu invitato a fare una mostra alla galleria del Naviglio 1983 Critici: Marco Valsecchi, Giancarlo Vigorelli, Pier Carlo Santini Tommaso Paloscia, Riccardo Tempestini, critico del museo Pecci di Prato ecc. In permanenza alla Galleria d’arte moderna di Milano. |
Chi perde i propri pregiudizi, perde le proprie
Si è mosso l’eros!
Le tue radici.
Il tempo
17 Mi rivolgo!
Paura dell’imponderabile!
Antitesi dell’essenza!
La schiavizzazione
Zefiro fugace
Quello nobili d’animo, non sono!
alla lunga vince l'amore e non il denaro! Il denaro compra le cose fisiche, non i cuori!
La menzogna.
Lucca Agosto 2007-08-22
Speranza sottratta per
illusione soggettiva!
Son tornato,
dopo una meditazione
che dura da mesi! Ora
rigenerato mi
rintroduco nella
società massificata!
più non valutano la
La via più breve e quella della morte!
Sensazione non certa,
Nulla è possibile di
nuovo. Nothing it is possible of new. The stirring of equal slight knowledge swing Around, to the society of the consumptions! The consumption exceeds the feeling; dreariness . Always worse.
Retorica condizionata
Sensazione concretata
dalla percezione!
Sospesa, l’incertezza
crea l’angoscia!
Feeling for my real
Lucca 13 ottobre 2006
The nuisance
In order to
obviate to the trouble and solitude, is
necessary interiorizing we same!
Preziosi consigli!
Sogno e veglia!
Rubble in the
temporal space!
I have intentional to make the experience to
enter in newsgroup, but I knew that I would
have had of the boycotting, because I have
faced the topic of the Bioenergetic restore;
science fiction for more! Not they interest
neither the values inner, neither readings of
large writers and poets. They use phrasings
from herd ; inasmuch as singularly they are
fish! I am amusing a lot, because I have found
truly the standardization in these adolescents
who use unconventional words; pronounced for
pretending brave, even if once to house the
father them they frighten! This experience is
interesting, because with what I have written
more times! I have not expected of writer,
because it they are n correspond ot; but it is
a way in order to communicate with the others.
They are sculptor painter and I better succeed
to express my inner contents!
Nel labirinto della
droga ti sei ritrovato!
Il paradiso The Bat
Bla! Bla! bla!
The incomprehensible!
Who copy has not any
In the simplicity we
find the peace inner!
Decennial experience,
Certainty, of the existence and as I have it
of the odour of the forest; Of Hush and the
perception, than rejoices me, the mind. Sound
far away of one bell, and singing of the
swallows and the gulls. These are the sounds
that I want to hear!
Cruel conception;
inasmuch as it is alone appearance! I
meditated and I grieve, since the base is the
perception, I grieve to more! Useless hope;
but the confidence is the last one to die!
Marzio tinti
To must distance by
nature of man! But; the black peril,
that it is the standardization of the thought!
Disaster contemplated from the unfortunates
ones you do not deprive of thought and
therefore of analysis. To persuade useless
deaf persons and the Czechs and the memory of
the primordial of the man, consoles to me!
Unconscious presence
The greater level of
inwardness is obtained within of we,
than with the subconscious external! While in
the aware the expressivity of the being is
The brain
The thought
get lost in the
pure perception, also the my tactility
alters real and confuses my positioning in the
space. the thought certainty of the existence,
even if vaguely quantifiable in the real one!
Rituality tribally
to vanish
Who entrusts itself to the others
ends in
order to remain submitted!
The left shadow
I know for
contemporary synthesis, that the poetry
more long of ten lines, it’s not more poetry
but a poem!
In the collagen of
energy, I levitate in the space time,
unconscious of the luminescence phantom, I get
confused between billions of molecules, like
ruffled sand. The perception confuses to me in
the real positioning in the ether, and happy I
am for my real essence, I feel myself
dispersed in the universe. You take, all I offer to you; unconscious of
it passes virgin memories to you all is broken
in the embrace imenitic , in tumultuous get
loosing itself of the senses,you strongly
enjoied, all was useless you worked of hand.
The kidnapped poet divinely excited sexually.
Solitary molecule in the
context of all that joins the universe. Dimension disowned for the
covering lacking in dreams; just those that distinguished to us from
the beast.
I left a about fifty of needle's eye beside
she and exited pulling behind of me the heavy door, than allows
me he joining to the essence of my being! Solitary molecule in the
context of all that joins the universe. Dimension disowned for the
covering lacking in dreams; just those that distinguished to us from
the beast.
To along time, that one goes from years fifty, the sapiens
of the man, robotized has become man Tecnologicus; And he has lost the
relative ability for to analysis and therefore the man has only
obtained valued the external appearance and not in the relative one
inner, the single thing that he counts! In order to catch up the
happiness gasped from the night of the times! one does not join to it,
because the man has only wished the external values! Insomnia Expression
Died of a butterfly
Illiterates geniuses
I creed only is only in the pure matter!
Universe, immensity, infinite, zero
The nothing
The block
Zero point, real perception!
The pure egoismo
The wrapper
Straight op!
The debts
Who copy
anyone contempt
The luminary
who gives himself to money, it's not
worth the metal itself !
Anyone makes much noise for nothing,
he's a person without value!
The Lycanthrope who loses his nature, loses himself. Chi perde la sua natura, perde se stesso.
In commensurable infinitely
The universe and we.
the way master of the acquaintance
The secret of the happiness
The happiness and the love exist.
what it counts
To times it's believed in the love, but!
Generic doctor
The great presumption
broken bottom!
The man tecnologicus Who copy
The turd or shit
The fart
When one person offers one thing to you; don't
throw away, because can to rethink it!
Cover myself in this equal energy in all
the universe, than with mine resolved I get lost in the
oblivion of the happiness. The phantom of this force regenerates me
my spirit and physical matter. Dimension parallel that s' intersects
with all and, reconnects me to the true essence of the infinite. One knows that the money moves the persons,
but not the hearts!
Non credere alle parole, poichè
potrebbero essere diverse dal pensiero! Chi perde la sua natura perde se stesso. who loses his nature, loses if same.
La felicità e l’amore esistono.
Il segreto della felicità
The secret of the happiness!
Il concetto dell’arte
La via maestra della conoscenza
L'universo e noi.
Inno all’amore
Hymn to the love
Quello che conta.
Geni Analfabeti
Il silenzio col tempo crea un muro fra le persone!
E’ meglio cercare uno spiraglio per ovviare l’indifferenza della società dei
consumi massificati per il solo gusto estetico e speculativo.
L’arte non può morire; poiché l’espressione fa
parte dell’uomo.
La morte Soffocato dalle nozioni imposte, è meglio staccare la spina, il risveglio da linfa al mio spirito dormiente.
La presunzione
Morte di una farfalla
Il vero artista
Il masso
Punto zero, percezione reale! Chi risolve l'io interiore s'illumina, mentre chi non lo risolve brancola nel buio!
I interior |